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Is your business prepared for the coldest winter in 50 years?

Written by Mark Bowater | 11-Nov-2015 09:17:00

This winter could affect businesses all over the UK, and you need to start preparing for it NOW - how will you operate if you cannot get into work?

 If you work from home on a regular basis you will be familiar with this process. Are you prepared for multiple days of not getting into work? What if none of your staff can get into work?

Start testing your procedures early before it catches you out – The first basic test, can you redirect your phones remotely to a mobile? Or alternatively does your voice system have an “Android App” or similar “Smartphone App” to treat your mobile as your office phone?  Can you access files that are key to your working day?

Once you start thinking, the list will go on and on. Create a “Snow day plan” so you know exactly what needs doing.  Make sure all contact numbers including all your Customer’s and Supplier’s numbers are available to you from outside of the office environment – have a template email ready explaining what the situation is to your customers and how you intend to run in such conditions. Cloud solutions are second to none in a disaster recovery situation as they are accessible from anywhere. Employees that do not have remote access via VPN (Virtual Private Network) may need to be setup with this facility now, rather than later.

 Prepare for the worst and you will be fine…